Do you think that your full-time job isn’t providing you the necessary state where you want to be? Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you deserve more?
You are more hard-working, smart, sincere, and honest and yet you feel trapped? Why does this happen to the best of us? All this for a paycheck? Is there a way out of this “Rut: Trading hours for dollars?”
If all these sentences resonate with you, then you need someone else to help you. We call that person your “Mentor”! Someone who can understand your goals and set you on a path to get ahead by using certain proven-methods!

Our parents are the first mentors in our life. Gradually, our teachers or any close relative or a friend takes this role. But, then why do we still have some gaps?
Before we go on to explain our mentorship program and how we can add value to you, let us go on a journey of what is it that you want? Where do you want to go? What is your journey like? As Simon Sinek’s book said – “Start with WHY?”
What drives you? What makes you become a transformed person (through mentorship) that will help you “Do” a certain set of things so you can “Have” your dreams and goals accomplished! We also call this your “Future Desired State”.
A survey that we have done to find out about People’s ‘WHY’ told us that most people’s ‘WHY’ is connected to Finances, Family, Time, Travel, and Leisure.
Does your question of ‘WHY’ also connect with these?
Well, this article will give insight into our mentorship program and how we help people to achieve their goals.
We need a perfect environment to learn something. Just like educational institutions are providing the environment for gaining knowledge, the mentorship program provides the environment to develop or improve your necessary skill set which helps in your personal growth.
In order to build skills, we provide an environment where skill building will happen more easily than it would’ve happened otherwise.
- Learning theory through reading books, listening to audios/videos/podcasts, and attending meetings.
- Practicing the theories through doing and teaching
Well, one cannot learn swimming just by knowing its theory. He will learn only when he is in the pool to practice, right?
This environment works as a huge value proposition. It makes the difference in how people develop themselves and creates a new version of themselves.
Well, what are the necessary skills that you need to acquire to accelerate your growth?
Those skills include:
- Communication
- Self-confidence
- Public speaking
- Leadership
- Influence
- Team building
- Growth mindset
Why are these skills necessary?
For instance, when you’ve got the skills to build a team and lead it, you’ll be able to create a team of your own which will add value to your company.
Do you know the ‘Law of Value’ from the book Go-giver by Bob Burg?
It says, “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.”
Thus we focus on adding value to yourself first. Only then you can add value to others which will bear you fruit later.
Finally, one of the most important values of the mentorship program is to help people create multiple sources of income. Some of it can come from the assets we build.
When your current job isn’t providing you with your desired state, the desired security that you want, then, the assets you’ve, will be the way to reach your destination.
Well, what is an asset?
According to Dictionary definition, assets are items of ownership convertible into cash; total resources of a person or business, as cash, notes and accounts receivable, securities, inventories, goodwill, fixtures, machinery, or real estate
Your asset can be through entrepreneurship, business ownership, real – estate, or anything that will pave your way towards financial freedom.
Along with helping you to develop your skillset, the mentorship program focuses on helping you to create an asset-based income as well.
How big of asset-based income is up to you. The mentorship program is for everyone, whether people who’ve already created a “significant asset-based income” in a few years or those who haven’t.
Now, what is a “significant asset-based income”?
For some people, a significant asset-based income is to make an income that is equivalent to the income from their job.
So, are you ready to embark on your journey of creating a better you with us?
We will start by identifying your “Future Desired State”(FDS).
Watch this space to know more about Future Desired State!
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