3 Gratitudes a Day
a formula for a happy life
The one thing that has made the biggest difference in our personal lives is the habit of being grateful.
Taking out the time each day to consciously acknowledge all the people, the resources and the opportunities we have in our lives helps us to rewire our brains to focus more on the positives and harp less on the negatives.
Make writing gratitudes a habit!
Write gratitudes daily and you will remember life as mostly fun, amazing, miraculous, and magical.
Join our Telegram community where we keep each other accountable by posting what we are grateful for the day.

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3 Gratitudes a day blog
This blog is designed to give seekers the information they need to reach their goals, build empowering habits, have constant growth to become the best versions of themselves, and build the life they love.
3 Gratitudes a day podcast
This podcast is your place to get insights about growth mindset, habit-building hacks, and all the secrets for creating a life you absolutely love.
3 Gratitudes a day on YouTube
Sit down with our mentors when they share how gratitude helped them to achieve personal and professional goals.
Why 3 Gratitudes?
Using 3 is a technique/theory that dates at least back to ancient Greece.
number three is the lowest figure that can be used to form patterns in our mind. Using 3 as a number to write gratitudes is easier to remember and quicker to make an emotional connection.
Why we use Telegram?
Considering Telegram is more secure option for sending messages without sharing your personal details or contact number, we chose Telegram as the primary media to write 3 Gratitudes a day and to communicate.
An alternative option- facebook private group is also available.
The Science
Take for instance the simple act of saying “thank you” every time someone gives us something or congratulates us for achieving something.
The more times we say “thank you” to acknowledge all the things we have received, the more we feel abundant.
Take for instance the simple act of saying “thank you” every time someone gives us something or congratulates us for achieving something.
The more times we say “thank you” to acknowledge all the things we have received, the more we feel abundant.
Abundant in material possessions, fulfilling relationships, feelings of contentment, joy, and happiness.
The opposite of feeling abundant is feeling the lack. A lack of mentality is demotivating because we think that there’s not enough to go around.
The truth is that there is abundance all around us but we do not see it. We do not recognize it. Because we are not grateful enough.
Research in the field of neuroscience confirms that practicing gratitude activates neural circuits. The neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin are released and travel to the parts of the brain that acts as a center to feel bliss, happiness, etc.
The more you activate the neural pathways through gratitude practice, the stronger they become. This is also why Gratitude practice also acts as a natural antidepressant!
Write gratitudes daily and you will remember life as mostly fun, amazing, miraculous, and magical.
If you don’t and instead choose to focus on only the negatives and talk about them repeatedly you end up unknowingly underlining and highlighting those events and that’s all you will remember in the future. Life appears as a series of tragedies.
However, gratitude can help you change the way you look at your life!
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