Affirmations are typically used to rewire the subconscious mind, encouraging us to hold specific beliefs about who we are, the world, and where we fit into it. They are also employed to assist us in attracting the things we seek, such as riches, love, beauty, and happiness.

According to Walter E. Jacobson, M.D., there is value in affirmations of this nature, because our subconscious mind plays a significant role in actualizing our lives and the manifestation of our desires. He claims that our subconscious beliefs about ourselves can significantly affect how things turn out.

Two of my favorite affirmations are:

“Every day in every way I am getting better and better.”

“I am happy, thankful, and having fun.” 



The majority of affirmations, such as “I am wealthy,” “I am a multimillionaire,” or “Our company generates $X in revenue,” conflicted with the flawed mindsets I had.


I had the impression that my affirmations were not being accepted by my mind. It was rejecting them. Afterward, I adopted Émile Coué’s favorite affirmation, which reads, “Every day, in every aspect, I am getting better and better.”

It did not contradict what I was thinking because it was progressive. That was excellent.

I’ve been using it for years. It has been remarkably successful.

Later on, when I understood the growth mindset, I realized that both the affirmations “I am an idiot” and “I am a genius” are wrong.  They develop a fixed mindset.  

Again, my favorite affirmation was in line with the growth mindset. 

My 2nd favorite affirmation, “I am happy, thankful, and having fun”, is a simple one.  Those are 3 states that I like. I just put them together. 

It has made me dramatically more grateful as a person.  That, in turn, made me 100x happier. 

When used intentionally and with positive conviction, affirmations can help project our powerful statements into methodical actions. Hence, a wholesome reduction in negative thought patterns and an increase in self-esteem happens.

Hope these affirmations help you immensely.